The Toy Coach

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Episode #2: How To Make Your Ideas More Toyetic

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The term toyetic is thrown around a lot in the toy product development industry. In this episode, we break down the true definition of toyetic and pull out 4 guiding Toyetic Principles and show you how to make your toy inventions or game ideas more toyetic and ultimately more marketable. You'll learn about the man who coined the term, you'll learn about a successful toyetic property, and what the term means today! So push play and listen, you'll master the development of a toyetic product in no time.


In this episode you will learn toy product development skills revolving around the 4 toyetic principles by analyzing the most toyetic property of all time, The Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers! After identifying 4 key principles with The Toy Coach, you’ll understand how to apply those principles to enhance your existing toy or game ideas. Here’s a quick overview of the 4 toyetic principles that you will learn.

  1. Distinct Character Personalities - A good toyetic property has a developed backstory remember, designing toys and games is storytelling.

  2. Scalability by Theme - Is your idea expandable? Is this a one off toy or if successful can it be a brand.

  3. Character Specific Accessories - The development of a character and ultimately their world to enhance the play pattern and build upon their story.

  4. Surprise Conflict - Does your toy character or game introduce a villain or some sort of conflict to keep the play surprising, exciting, and engaging?

I go into much more detail explaining and analyzing each of these toyetic principles inside this episode, so don’t forget to hit that play button above!

With the help of the 4 principles, toy product developers can better engage with their audience and further enhance their experiences. Overall, one can successfully gain valuable insight into how to effectively apply these principles.

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